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时间:2023-09-01 08:10:03 来源:网友投稿

英国公众节假日的英文名字1  1.节礼日这天美国的许多商店开始火爆甩卖许多商品,都是以5折销售或者是更加便宜。  IntheUSstoresholdspecialsales,wherethingsc下面是小编为大家整理的2023年英国公众节假日英文名字,菁选2篇(范例推荐),供大家参考。



  1. 节礼日这天美国的许多商店开始火爆甩卖许多商品,都是以5折销售或者是更加便宜。

  In the US stores hold special sales, where things can be bought at half price or even cheaper, on the day after Christmas.

  2. 去年,米德尔顿只是受邀参加了王室成员在圣诞第二天节礼日的圣诞狩猎活动。

  Last year Middleton was only invited to spend the following day, Boxing Day, with the royals.

  3. *安夜人们开盛大派对来庆贺,节礼日12月26日)则出门购物。---现在都变成节礼周了。每个商店,超市,只要是卖东西,都疯狂打折。

  Celebrate the in Christmas Eve with Crazy Party, and go shopping in Boxing days(Dec 26)- now it turn to Boxing week, you will get the BIG discount in any kinds of store, supermarket or whatover palces to sale somethong.

  4. 在节礼日当天,许多商店门口一大早就排了长队。

  In Boxing Day, many shop doors on the early morning row in a long queue.

  5. 节礼日12月26日这是一个公共节日。

  Boxing Day-26 December This is a public holiday.

  6. 12月26日,很多来自远东地区的购物大军涌入节礼日打折季。熬夜排队,七嘴八舌,甚至还能打群架这一幕幕混乱场面于当日在全英上演。

  Overnight queues, pandemonium, and even the odd punch-up chaotic scenes played out across the country as a huge influx of shoppers, many from the Far East, flooded the Boxing Day sales.


  1. 妈妈包裹了圣诞节礼物和黏附了"em 在树下和说一些"em weren"t 从我,起因爸爸couldn"t 购买"em 。I"ll 从未忘记我坐直整体夜cryin 的那圣诞节。

  Mommy wrapped the Christmas presents up and stuck"em under the tree and said some of"em weren"t from me, cause daddy couldn"t buy"em. I"ll never forget that Christmas I sat up the whole night cryin.

  2. 圣诞夜你会做什么?

  What will you do on Christmas Eve.

  3. 我们将有个美妙的圣诞夜。

  We`ll have a wonderful Christmas Eve.

  4. 在圣诞夜。当保罗走出他的办公室。

  On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office.

  5. 我只想让你知道这个圣诞夜我*安无事

  I just wanted you to know that I"m safe this Christmas night.

  6. 这是圣诞夜,吉姆,为了你我才卖了头发,我的头发也许是数的清的,但我对你的确实数不清的。

  And this is the eveing before Christmas, Jim.

推荐访问:英国 节假日 英文名字 英国公众节假日英文名字 菁选2篇 英国公众节假日的英文名字1 英国节日名称英文 英国的公共假日是什么 外国节日英文名
